Neurogenic Bladder


  • Classify the injury according to level:
    • Sacral: injury at or below S2. Complete lesions result in areflexic, loose bladder, and incomplete lesions can result in spastic bladder.  Can spare external sphincter causing bladder overdistension.
    • Suprasacral: injury above S2. Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia, combining urinary retention with spastic bladder, risking hydronephrosis.
    • Suprapontine: detrusor hyperreflexia / overactive bladder


Intermittent Cath

Use when:

  • Daily urinary output < 2000mL
  • Unable to volitionally void after indwelling cath is removed

Do not use when:

  • Bladder capacity < 200mL
  • Patient or caregiver will be unable to cath by discharge

Useful References

PVA Guidelines: Bladder Management in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury